A functional freeze state refers to a temporary state where a person can outwardly function and complete daily tasks such as going to work, seeing friends, do all the normal things they need to but psychologically are stuck in this freeze mode. On the inside it feels like they are just rolling through the motions and are not really living or experiencing. Signs that you may be in a functional freeze state include:
1. Lack of Motivation: Feeling a lack of drive or enthusiasm to start or complete tasks.
2. Procrastination: Constantly delaying or avoiding tasks that need to be done.
3. Overwhelm: Feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume or complexity of tasks, leading to inaction.
4. Difficulty Making Decisions: Struggling to make decisions or feeling indecisive about important matters.
5. Feeling Stuck: Sensation of being stuck in a rut and unable to move forward.
6. Physical Symptoms: Experiencing physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, or muscle tension due to stress and inactivity.
7. Increased Irritability: Feeling more irritable or easily frustrated than usual.
8. Loss of Interest: Loss of interest in activities that were previously enjoyable.
9. Negative Thought Patterns: Engaging in negative self-talk or having pessimistic thoughts about the future.
10. Social Withdrawal: Withdrawing from social interactions and isolating oneself from others.
Functional freeze states are normal and short term, if you are noticing that you are experiencing these symptoms for an extended period of time and it's starting to affect your life, it's no longer a functional freeze and likely leading into dysfunction. Time to address it more intentionally.